Weirs These are simple construction methods used to measure the flow rate, regulate water depth and control floods in open canal types. To put it simply weirsIt is an obstacle built against the direction of water flow and allows water to flow. The most commonly used ones are V type, Trapezoidal type and rectangular type weirs. Although their definitions seem simple and similar, their hydraulic behaviors and applications are different from each other.
V Type Weirs: These weirs are also called triangular type. The working principle of these weirs is that the discharge occurs from the bottom in proportion to the water height. It produces more precise weir measurements because small changes in discharge cause large changes in depth.
Trapezoidal Weirs: Discharge is directly proportional to water height. They are also called shrinkage weirs in shape.
Rectangular Type Weirs: The basic principle is the same as other types. Rectangular weirs may be partially constricted, fully constricted, or suppressed. Since there are no notches in suppressed weirs, they are smooth. The purpose of narrowing is to suppress the water flow towards the weir.
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Weirs These are simple construction methods used to measure the flow rate, regulate water depth and control floods in open canal types. To put it simply weirsIt is an obstacle built against the direction of water flow and allows water to flow. The most commonly used ones are V type, Trapezoidal type and rectangular type weirs. Although their definitions seem simple and similar, their hydraulic behaviors and applications are different from each other.
V Type Weirs: These weirs are also called triangular type. The working principle of these weirs is that the discharge occurs from the bottom in proportion to the water height. It produces more precise weir measurements because small changes in discharge cause large changes in depth.
Trapezoidal Weirs: Discharge is directly proportional to water height. They are also called shrinkage weirs in shape.
Rectangular Type Weirs: The basic principle is the same as other types. Rectangular weirs may be partially constricted, fully constricted, or suppressed. Since there are no notches in suppressed weirs, they are smooth. The purpose of narrowing is to suppress the water flow towards the weir.

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