Color Removal
When color removal is desired by coagulation and flocculation, the choice should be made according to the characteristics of the colored wastewater and the characteristics of the dyes used. Color removalIt is achieved by coagulation using salts containing cationic metal ions such as aluminum and iron. Another color removal method is polyelectrolyte. When polyelectrolytes are added to the coagulant in small doses such as 1-5 mg/l, they become coagulant aids. Polyelectrolytes cause large floc formation, so floc sedimentation occurs faster. Additionally, the cost of color removal is reduced. Some chemicals used for color removal are; FeCl3, FeSO4, MgCl, PAS, PFS, PFCl.
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Color Removal
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Color Removal
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Color Removal

Color Removal
When color removal is desired by coagulation and flocculation, the choice should be made according to the characteristics of the colored wastewater and the characteristics of the dyes used. Color removalIt is achieved by coagulation using salts containing cationic metal ions such as aluminum and iron. Another color removal method is polyelectrolyte. When polyelectrolytes are added to the coagulant in small doses such as 1-5 mg/l, they become coagulant aids. Polyelectrolytes cause large floc formation, so floc sedimentation occurs faster. Additionally, the cost of color removal is reduced. Some chemicals used for color removal are; FeCl3, FeSO4, MgCl, PAS, PFS, PFCl.

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Color Removal
You can contact us for your color removal systems needs.
Contact us for all your questions regarding the maintenance, service or color removal system of your new or existing projects.

Water and Wastewater Treatment
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Thanks to our technology investments, we continue to produce innovative and innovative solutions for our customers.

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